Sunday, November 2, 2008


So it's November and my life can be boiled down to one thing. Nanowrimo
1700 words a day for 30 days. Gods only knows if i'll write novel worth anything this month but once again I have to try. I think I'm already enjoying the late night writing sessions and word sprints. If i seem flakey during this month it's becuase of my tendency to stare at the screen for hours trying to make any sensible words come out.

* Also must step up my weight loss program this month.

* I had another point and I've forgotten it already.

* Job hunting again, plz take me nofrills.


Nut Nut said...

I never heard of this before. I had to look it up. Too bad it's now that 2nd day in November, otherwise I would have given it a try. Good luck!

Pal Hal Pall said...

Don't try too hard to make it a masterpiece and you'll be fine