Sunday, September 14, 2008

Meme time

1. Link the person who tagged you. That would be the great Nut nut
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.

This should be easy since most of my friends consider me quirky in an unspectacular kind of way.
1. I hate talking to strangers on the phone. My fiance and i can spend a half hour arguing over who's going to order fast food based aroudn who's willing to break their no talking to strangers over the phone rule. It's a strange inexplicable fear but it's there and likely won't go away. ( Sidenote: at 14 you couldn't get me off the phone. I'd make up an excuse to call anyone. Where this sudden fear came from no one knows)

2. Before I read books I have to smell them. open them to somewhere in the middle and breathe deep. I've done this since I was very little, it's noticeable and a bit embarrassing when it happens in public since it's mostly subconscious.

3. When listening to music on the computer I have to know what I want to hear at least five songs in advance. I can't just pick random songs and be happy even though i like pretty much everything we have in our music files.

4. I flip to the end of every book I own and read the last sentence first. Most of the time this does nothing to spoil the story and doesn't bother me. I just have to do it ^-^

5. I like to suck the flavouring off chips before I eat them.

6. I refer to everyone I know by their online screename even if I know their real name, even in RL.

Lol I have only one follower and she's the one who tagged me so I can't really spread the Meme. Unless you're reading this and care to try it anyway. ^-^


Nut Nut said...

I'm starting to think not wanting to talk to people on the phone is a common occurrence and those that don't mind (like my husband) are the weird ones.

I used to live my life by randomness, and I still do to some extent. I love letting random figure things out for me because I have too much to figure out as it is. This especially goes for music. And I randomly pick books to read from our bookcase unless I've been dying to read something. I randomly pick recipes from a list I have on We used to let our cat decide where we were going on vacation for that year by writing down the names of places on slips of paper, balling the papers up, then tossing them on the floor to see which one our cat would go after.

I guess that's another unspectacular quirk of mine.

lil miss hissyfit said...

Totally agreed on the phone thing, though it seems to be something that changes with age. At least in my case.

hehe i don't mind random thigns in my life I'm just weird about music. I like to set up playlists so I can keep a certain mood if I want to.

I have both Beetles and linkin park on the computer. I love both but rarely do I feel like I maintain a certain mood if I go from Kokamo to crawling. usually i'dd do 5-6 techno songs then 5-6 country then 5-6classical, usually a group of waltzes. Again I'm really weird.

The choosing the vacation thing is really cool.